We invite you to the talk: Henrik Hartmann, Dr. (habil.) Group leader at Department Biogeochemical Processes at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany.
- Coordinator of the IUFRO task force on monitoring of patterns and trends in global tree mortality
- Member of the core team of the International Tree Mortality Networ
From molecules (via six little legs) to the globe - investigating forest responses to climate change
The world is changing rapidly. Temperatures are increasing at an unprecedented rate, and climate extremes occur increasingly often and at a greater severity. Forests are suffering in many regions across the globe and there are concerns about a general trend of forest decline. Forest responses to heat and drought cause changes in tree physiology which, in turn, integrate at the ecosystem scale and beyond.
Talk outline:
• Investigations on tree physiological responses during drought and heat focus on the allocation of carbon to tree functional pools. • Interactions between spruce trees and the Eurasian spruce bark beetles.
• Prediction of forest responses to future climate at the global scale based on an understanding of the physiological processes in trees interacting with biotic antagonists.
To schedule a discussion with Dr Hartmann contact A. Jirošová, e-mail: jirosovaa@fld.czu.cz