On the 4th of April, 2023 students from EXTEMIT-K participated in the 63rd International Students’ scientific competition Š V O Č 2023 organised by Faculty of Forestry, Technical University in Zvolen.
Our PhD students Aisha Naseer, Anurabha Khara, and Umm-e-Hani discussed various aspects of bark beetle infestation and outbreaks in the form of oral Presentation, such as molecular mechanism, microbiome content and chemical ecology respectively. During the event, Aisha Naseer was awarded the 1st Prize and Umm-e-Hani was awarded 2nd prize in the Doctoral Student category.
Our students also were applauded for, “outstanding results and contribution towards the Bark Beetle research”.
Presentation topics:
- Molecular Underpinnings of Bark Beetle Resistance Against Conifer Defenses. Naseer, A., Singh, V. V., Sellamuthu, G., Roy, A.
- The genetic basis of pheromone biosynthesis in larch bark beetle Ips cembrae in comparison to Ips typographus. Umm-e-Hani, Jirošová, A.
- Environment, host, and life-stage drive bacterial association and their putative metabolic role in two pine-feeding Ips beetle holobionts. Khara, A., Roy, A.